SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip


I'm a relatively infrequent contact lens wearer! It sort of depends on the weather and activity participation!

Basically if its sunny, on holiday abroad, scuba diving, kayaking or a special occasion.

I've been wearing them a bit more recently due to having treat myself to a decent pair of Oakley sunglasses and the excellent weather we've been having. I wear disposables as I have found I get on with them far better than the monthly ones and it's a minimal outlay every few months rather than a set fee every month.

Unfortunately I started to run low at the beginning of the school hols and went in to get some more... Which they wouldn't let me have until I'd had a contact lens check. The first appointment I could get was this evening. So I dashed back from work, had the appointment including yellow dye and the job was done... Im good to go for another year.

I would love to wear contacts all the time but I have dry eyes so they can get uncomfortable. Also in my right eye I have an astigmatism and that means my sight isn't as good with contacts.

But apparently they now have a new disposable that can correct the astigmatism in the same way my glasses do... Worth a try I think.

I also asked him about my suitability for laser treatment as I don't like wearing glasses and haven't for the last 25 years! Time to get saving and building up the courage!

The reason they wouldn't give me my contacts... My last check was in 2008! I'm supposed to have one every year! I somehow slipped through the net!

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