Thistle Down

By Ethel


Sophie is my kitty-cat,
The window-sill is where she sat.
Prettiest cat you've ever seen,
Licking her paws so very clean.

Her silky hair is...O so furry,
To touch her makes her more the purry.
Her plumey tail is soft and white,
A ghost she is...out of the night.

She's beautiful...with pinky ears,
A barking dog she always hears.
She sits out there on the tallest ledge,
And walks the path at the very edge.

Long whiskers give her keen insight,
Green eyes keep watch for a sudden plight.
She sees the rustle of a flock of wings,
And spots a warbler when he sings.

Sophie is my kitty-cat,
Every noise to her is a rat.
She takes her time to sit and preen,
She's the prettiest cat...I've ever seen.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Note: Sophie was a beautiful white Persian/type of cat. Grandma had her well into her later years. I do not have access to such a cat - so, I've made a poor substitute with our stray cat who we call 'Ugly Cat'. We'll just call this a study in opposites.

Well, we do love 'Ugly Cat', so... I apologize.... and 'Ugly Cat' thinks she is a dog. What is there not to love about that??

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