naf stuff

By naf


Don't ask me how it happened cos I'm not quite sure. But I've been roped into doing the Edinburgh Moonwalk.

Yes, I know it's for a good cause and yes, I did say I'd like to get fit and yes, it is nice to do something with friends. But where in that did I agree to a 26mile powerwalk in the middle of the night wearing a decorated bra?!!!!

I must have momentarily lost my mind!

But this is it... the proof that I agreed - the info pack for the event has arrived with a training plan that covers 12 weeks and inlcudes a 20 mile walk as a warm-up for it (although given my level of fitness (quite poor) it says I should take 16 weeks to prep instead, which means I need to start now...)!

However, my favourite part of the plan is at the end, after "the big day", when it tells you to "Take a break. You deserved it!". Well, I know I can manage that - I'm thinking lots of sleep, lots of chocolate and day with the tv! ;)

EDIT: meant to say, it's for breast cancer research, hence the bra bit!

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