More feathers, less fluff!

Extremely cold conditions early today, and that is why I am watching these two babes with much concern.
As the heading says - more feathers! I hope that it is not simply wishful thinking!
But, our mid day temperatures were very good today - nowhere near too cold - hope that it improves to allow these two to gain confidence to allow mother nature's ways ...

I have not seen Mommy around .. I do hope that she is still feeding these ones .. but for sure, the nest will be all too cramped to allow three dove bodies to occupy the scene.

When I suggested to my husband that we tie a tall feather duster to the pilar so that the head of feathers provide a little protection from the cold .. he said : no, allow nature to go its way ... sigh. I guess that he is right , nature has its own way.

This afternoon my daughter called to say that they had picked up, rescued, a small falcon, on a farm, a few days ago ... obvious a young one, they cleaned him up, and as he was very weak, they tried to feed him. No such luck.

Yet, after a day or two he became interested in food, protein, and by the time they left to return home (today), he was in a much better state.

Still not able to keep his balance, he kept falling over, they handed him over at a wild life sanctuary for care, protection and resettlement- (on their way back to their home.)
I hope he survives!

Nature's ways are hard!

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