A Spartan's Mum

By snoknits


Today's image is my son's maths test from today - I'm so glad it all makes sense to him, it sure doesn't to me! One more exam and he is finished with first year, glad it has gone so well for him, he has worked hard and has done well. But the best bit for his dad and me is that he is enjoying his course and is happy. STBB son!

Been a rollercoaster of a few days, was at a funeral this afternoon for the mother of a friend and a great neighbour, heard of 4 more sad passings (not a good week) while at the same time having such a happy time in the build up to The Royal Wedding at school.

Need a wee bit of quiet time and a good sleep so staying home, having a lovely soak and an early night.....time to recharge the batteries.

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