Pob's World

By Pobsworld

The return of naughty cat

it's been a really horrible soaking wet day today, wetter than I can remember in a long time. I looked out the window at lunchtime to see poor wee 'Naughty Cat' sitting in the pouring rain eating a scrap of bread my neighbour had put out.
I felt so very sorry for her that I went down with some scraps of chicken to see if she was hungry. The wee soul was soaked to the skin and starvingly gobbled up the chicken as fast as she could. I then did what was maybe a stupid thing, but I tried to see if she would follow me and she did, all the way into my house.

I gave her some tuna in water and a drink of water and after a mini inspection of every room, she settled down beside me on the sofa and had a long sleep for nearly an hour.

She's a bit of an enigma this wee cat. I see her outside all the time, and she was obviously very hungry and cold today, yet when she was in my house she acted very used to being indoors and was very comfortable with climbing all over me and with being clapped, so she definitely belongs to someone and isn't a stray.
I think she's just a cheeky wee chancer taking what she can get!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt very guilty that she had been in my house for so long - I was worried her owner would be looking for her, so waited until the rain had stopped and then tried to get her to leave.
But, she was very very stubborn about it all and after a good 10 minutes and a few scratches and gentle bites for me, I got her to come outside into the street. I closed the door then ran upstairs to watch her from the window. The poor wee soul kept trying to get back in the door again, but then eventually she spotted something across the street that took her fancy and off she went without a backwards glance.

It was so lovely to have a cat in the house again, even if it was just for an afternoon. I'm still not sure I'm ready for a new cat full time after Jetty being such a character, but it was nice to have Naughty Cat around (even with the scratches!)

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