A Toast

I'll come clean and admit I'm a bit of a royalist.

It's not that I believe them to be better than the rest of us, just that I would rather have the monarchy than either a dictator or a president and I'm not at all jealous of the divine right of kings- no honestly, it's too far removed from my life to worry me.

I know we've had some dead wood amongst them, but the Queen herself has done a valiant job in leading the country dutifully, for the last 60 years and I see her as someone the Glaswegians would call 'a good girrl' ( with a roll of the 'r's).

I would certainly find it hard to curtsey to any of the royals, which some might think disrespectful but which I consider to be out of tune with the sentiments of Robert Burns and his words ' the rank is but the guinea stamp, the man's the man for a' that'.

In the end I'm a sucker for the pomp and circumstance of pipe bands, guardsmen, the household cavalry, trumpeters choirs bedecked in red gowns,white surplices and ruffles, and for majestic organ music filling lofty abbeys and cathedrals.

I had it all today while his Lordship and I sat and toasted the newly weds in champagne.

The dusting and cooking has had to wait, and now all that champagne has gone to my head.

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