Jen's Year in Photos

By jenniemac

Finally... success!

Or possibly not... today I opened a fresh tube of super glue (as my last one had glued itself shut) but somehow there was a hole in it and when I squeezed it ended up all over my hands... literally ALL over. Now, three hours later I am still picking at the not so painful bits, at least I didn't glue myself together this time. But in my haste to save my fingertips, I left the glue on the cutting mat- and now it's stuck! Hmmmm, that's gotta be a job for a fresh head in the morning.

After freaking out last night that I would never get everything done before the review, Chris talked me through it and I realised it could be done with lots of love and help, and after my tutorial today, at Sara's, I realised that my paperwork is DONE! Maybe not 100%, but at least 85% with a weekend spent on the model and extra help on th erhino model monday, I might just be able to do this!

It's a good job my pictures from yesterday were boring because after two separate picture attempts my phone still would not let me upload anything and I have just realised that it is now after 12 so fingers crossed for today's entry...

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