jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Sparkle sparkle

This picture really bears very little relevence to today... But it made me laugh. This daft chicken mask, that when we bought it a long time ago Ben wouldn't even entertain it. And he has dug it out of his box so many times recently and made us laugh. Teddy had to wear it too, briefly. With the mask upside down.

Slow picture day I'm afraid - after The Wedding I managed a bath, then Ben had a sleep, then I tried sneaking downstairs for food but ended up eating half my sausage sandwich in bed because Ben woke up crying that he wanted more sleep. I picked most of the bread out of his hair I think.

When Ben finally surfaced Steve made an executive decision that we should wrap up warm and go for a Walk. Just a small walk, but something to get us out of the house. So we did. I think we were aiming for the beach but got waylaid by the playpark which was almost empty at almost 8 o'clock at night (unsurprisingly) and Ben led Steve on a tour of the park, having a go on everything, laughing and shrieking on the swings as Steve would run round the front and the back to push, climbing the big climbing frame, running and pretending to deliver food to me. I sat on a bench and closed my eyes and let the wind blow on me and although I had bad tummy ache it was lovely to sit in the breeze.

Then it was decided we'd walk to the chinese takeaway for supper. As we left the playpark I saw the sun going down - a beautiful glowing red ball in a dusky blue sky. Stunning. And no camera - what Steve thought was the camera in his bag turned out to be a bump belt for the car (it positions the seatbelt to go over your legs rather than putting pressure on your tummy). So I took a snap on my phone but it doesn't do it justice at all.

As we left the takeaway it was just starting to rain so Ben finally allowed himself to be strapped into the buggy, and by the time we got home it was raining. We'd hardly sat down to eat when I saw a huge flash of lightning - followed by thunder! Ben was very curious so lights had to be turned off to try and see, and then Steve and Ben went upstairs to see if they could get a better view. One excited little boy! Glad lightning and thunder doesn't scare him.

Ben and I went to bed straight after supper. Me in pain - thank goodness for windeze...

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