
By middleman



I'm now firmly in the habit of just sticking my camera in my bag everywhere I go and there's just a pretty standard old 35-70mm lens on it. Never had owt else. Never needed to. Until yesterday when I really wanted to get in close to this great wall full of faded, peeling, ripped and stripped stuff. Cue my return this morning with some bigger artillery. Felt a little out of my comfort zone to be honest. Shudder. Had to lie in the park all afternoon with my family just to recover.

Bought a great record yesterday. It is brand spanking fresh-out-the-box new but will undoubtedly appeal to anyone of a, ahem, certain age like me who can appreciate a bit of goth/industrial and summat that sounds like old Joy Division. No full clips of that new one around it seems so here's their last release instead. Remarkably similar but just as good.

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