The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase


We had our wedding street party today, and i did take a few photos to choose from for today's blip............but i changed my mind, as us woman like to do................
My blip is about hubbie..........yes that's him in the photo, now I have not given him a right hook, or a thug beaten him up, or has he taking up boxing, this is a result of a seizure as my hubbie is a unstable epileptic (not dodgy on his feet,it means they just have not found the right combination of meds to stop them altogether} this is a result of one fit today.......he has had one's that have broken bones and torn ligaments....... he kindly let me take this photo, of this huge bump, were he knocked his face on the way down, now sometimes you can get a aura, before a seizure, which means a sense, something that you recognise as a trigger, whether it be a smell, or which case you can prepare yourself, and get onto something soft, like bed or couch..........sometimes they just come, with no warning.......and this happens.....
In life we all become live your life, as we all do, of course there are plenty of stuff hubbie can not do, but not so you can not have a life either..........he is a brave lad, and gets on with it, and for the most, you would not know he has this condition...... so rather than do my blip on the rest of the world, i decided to blip about him, its not negative, our view is always the glass in half full........there so many people out there who live with terrible conditions and people that care for them..... but today i wanted to to tell him, how proud i am off him......................

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