simple moments

By simplemoments

nap time

here are the newest goslings...

only 2 days old...

actually, these are just 2 of the 6 new little ones - they were both in the water with swimming lessons as well as on dry land today... simply too cute and adorable, and yes i wanted to scoop them up and drop them in my pocket.

being a saturday and still sunny out, even though cold, meant that there were quite the number of people at the lake... and a lot of kids around. one little girl was wanting the babies to respond to her - like that was going to happen - and then thought it would be a smart thing to throw little sticks at them. ummm... no! she was quickly redirected not to do that. where is common sense these days? her dad was even with her and wasn't going to stop her... i was appalled. "save the babies" i wanted to yell, in addition to telling mama and papa goose to get their kiddos out of there quick.

happy day.....

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