Ink Polaroids

By inkpolaroids


So today was Koninginnendag here in Holland. The country goes orange for a day and turns into the largest crap-o-rama streetmarket this side of the Urals.

We got the kids to gather up the toys they didn't want anymore and then spent the best part of three hours trying to sell it. We raised ?30 in total, including selling a 10 years worth of Barbie dolls and assorted crappery, loads of Ben's cars and several boxes of Polly Pockets, whatever that is.

I was also trying my hand at street photography today. Clutching my iPhone and my crippling self-awareness I set forth to take pictures of the crowds. The iPhone, being small and not obviously a great big camera, is great for this sort of thing. But it doesn't help if you're too afraid of peoples reaction to you. I know you're not supposed to care, but the thing is that I do care, because I'm not sure I'd like someone sticking a camera in my face.

So I got a few good shots of which todays blip is one example.

This couple - muslims dressed completely in black - came along in amongst a sea of orange. I liked the contrast, the clash of colours and culture, so I lined up the camera and went


Now, you might be wondering why, on a day of vibrant colours I'm taking shots in B&W. And you'd be right to wonder. The answer is I forgot to change the lens in Hipstamatic. It's a shame because you'd miss the orange of every other person in this frame.

Anyway, thats it for another year. Thank God.

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