Stormy Weather

Quite stormy!
Kdoes was blipping scaffolding-on-cars, but i was checking the wind at one the smal islands in the "waddenzee"

Windy indeed. We got off the boat in to this scene. We wanted to walk along the dike towards the island, but the police stopped us: we were 'forced' to take the bus for safety. The way back even meant having the bus wait for some time (about 15cm :P ) for the tide to drop some...

Good times :)

edit: mini rant:
* Our multi-purpose (18-125mm) lens got broken. the diafragm doesnt close anymore. fuzzmz. fuzzmz.. major suckage.
* Our car got broken: only 3 in 4 cylinders (we think) is firing. gn is going to help me fix it.. i hope...

the rest of the shots @ picasa

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