It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

A Look of Ecstasy!

This is my very own shoe! Mum bought it for me today from the pet shop and within 5 minutes I had chewed a hole in the bottom and got the squeaker out. I am VERY clever :-) It is heavenly to have my own shoe to chew on. Mum got it for me because I am ALWAYS stealing theirs. Shoes are just THE BEST thing to chew on. Especially as my gums are hurting so much at the moment.

We had a lovely walk this morning. Around the Marina at Portishead and along the coastal path. Daddy was kicking my tennis ball along and I was chasing it. Then as we got back nearer the marina on the way back he kicked it too hard and mum and two ladies were shouting NOOOOOOOOO as I chased it and it went right over the edge into the water. I stopped JUST in time, the path to the marina is REALLY high up. I was lucky,I could have fallen. Mum said her heart was pounding really fast! I was just VERY worried about my ball and kept looking down at it and back at daddy to see if he would jump in and get it!!

I have had a lovely sleepy cuddle on mum this afternoon. We are all having a quiet day as mum is still feeling a bit poorly, but better than yesterday. She says thank you to everyone who sent her get well wishes.

I am going to go now, its TEA TIME and I need to go and whine at mum a bit to remind her ;-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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