Betsy's Sporadic Blips

By BBlip

Minneapolis May Day Parade

It usually attracts about 40,000 people. This was taken in the marshaling area for the parade. It is horribly cold this year - it's trying to snow and the wind is howling. We just need a good Wicker Man to keep us warm. The whole parade tends towards the subversive and countercultural. This is one of the anti corporate-greed floats. The parade included ISKON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), workers solidarity floats, groups protesting the disappearance and imminent extinction of several animals in the wild including the tiger, many life-death-rebirth themed floats, several rock bands on wheels, and so on. It was a difficult decision deciding on which photo to make the blip for today. I love the May Day Parade. People were having a good time despite the overcast chill.

More of the parade in my portfolio.

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