Writer's Block

By writersblock

A sad sight

I heard one of the local yarn stores was going out of business so I headed over to see what they had on sale.

It's sad to see them close up shop. They had only been around for about a year and I remember following the shop owner's blog as they were preparing to open...so much excitement about choosing paint, installing shelves, and buying furniture.

Unfortunately the location (Vista) was not great (for me anyway but I'm lucky to have two great yarn shops within a couple miles of home) and inventory was lack luster (lots of unusual high end yarns) but they were nice people and I'm sure some folks liked what they sold.

It must be hard to see a dream like that die. One day I'd love to own a little shop that caters to various types of fiber artists (knit, crochet, embroidery, etc.) so my heart goes out to them.

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