Must try harder....

By mikesnos

Common, Cattle and Cambridge Footy...

We're lucky to live not far from this large Common (Coldham's Common) in Cambridge. We thought we' take a walk to see if the cattle were there today and take some photos of them.

I chose this photo because it gives a reasonable idea of the scale of just one part of the common. The common backs onto Cambridge United's Abbey Stadium (straight ahead of us) and follows the line of the railway from Cambridge to Ely (the line of trees on the left) as well as being cut across by the Cambridge to Newmarket/Ipswich line (which is around 200 yds behind this viewpoint). There is a large lake beyond the trees in the middle of the photo and to the right of where we are are the five-a-side pitches. Beyond those is another stretch of common, and beyond that is the BMX track and a large field with around four football pitches that is used as the Folk Festival campsite in the summer. Beyond the football pitches is a wild area and we have seen Muntjac crossing the track that passes through this area towards Marshalls which is beyond the trees on the other side of the road.... Essentially, it's huge!

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