My happy little life

By khoola

Day at the beach

Chris and Jamie, running away from the sea.

Along with the rest of the world, I watched the news this morning. Jamie wasn't best pleased with this new alternative to cbeebies, so I decided to try and explain to him what was going on in the world.

Jamie, mummy needs to watch the news this morning because something really, really important has happened, and I want to hear about it
what's happened mummy?
There was a really bad man, who did really bad things, and now some soldiers have managed to get him
how did they get him?
They shot him
so is he dead?
Yes, he's dead, which is a bit sad, but they had to stop him from being so bad
why was he bad?
Because he hurt lots and lots of people, and he wanted to keep on hurting people
he wanted to hurt people all day long?!
he wanted to hurt people all day long and not even stop for a little sleep?!
*shrugs* well we don't always get what we want, do we mummy?

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