
By Fi


And so we have a gap of a few days. Mum, Dad, Nick and Pam left on Wednesday, after a super couple of days in Krakow - I heard their tales of getting nearly ending up in the wrong hotel (despite mother having been to the exact same one in November) and getting off the train home on the outskirts of Warsaw, rather than at the Central station (which mum apparently did the last time as well.... *rolling eyes emoticon*.)

They arrived back at mine on Tuesday night though, with the intention of us all going out for dinner for their last night. Except, I was struck down with sickness and d... and came home from work and got straight into bed - fully clothed, shivering and with no appetite or desire to go out. They were able to dish out some TLC though, fetching and carrying and holding my hair back as I threw my guts up.

Enough was enough. I took myself off to the doctors first thing on Thursday morning and he took my bloods and told me to return at lunchtime on Friday to learn the cause of my bouts of unprecedented illness, general lethargy and firing on only 2/3 cylinders for the last couple of months. The diagnosis was a severe iron deficiency, as well as a slightly inflamed liver, which the doc. has attributed to my recent 24hr bug, rather than alcohol levels. He didn't know how I was able to stand up, let alone be at work...

Cue four months worth of tablets to combat both, which is all well and good - but nothing like the real deal to boost levels. He promised that I would feel a new person within 10 days. He was right. (I'm back-blipping, so I know!)

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