Just looking..

By ccleeve

Bear watching the sunset.

In my head I had an image of my 11 week old and the bear watching the sunset together. However as D has not yet mastered the art of sitting up, bear had to watch the sunset on his own.

We had a busy day today. Started with baby clinic in the morning at which it was confirmed that D is growing fast and pushing towards 6 kilos. The cats are still bigger at 6.5 kilos each, but it won't be long before D's heavier. He can't yet move or grab their tails though so they are safe for awhile yet. After the clinic we negotiated Baku's high marble kerbs (this city is not geared for walking in, let alone pushing prams) to join Daddy and friends for lunch, and then it was off to massage class. We had a couple of firsts today too - first time D has noticed and looked at his hand, and the first time he's sucked his thumb (as opposed to trying to put his hand in his mouth). One action packed day - one tired little baby is now sleeping soundly and it's time for mummy to get some sleep too :)

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