The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh summer is here

Off i went today on my e-bay bargain, bought four chairs on Saturday, but they did not say in their information, they were moving to day, and had to be picked up asap, not great when a bank holiday.... Any way with friend round with Hubbie, and another good friend, drove up to London for me to collect my new buys,traffic horrendous but finally picked up my new buys........

Now on arrival home, i was greeted by my lovely new paddling pool, who is it silly.....all blown up and filled by my hubbie for i did not jinx the weather, it had already got a little colder, but i am now going to be ready for the next bout of good weather...........we are all big kids at heart, ok, its just me then.................

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