jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Ben decided that he was Mr Potato Head this afternoon. He makes me laugh! This was all him, I didn't suggest it or encourage it, apart from laughing and telling him to stop eating the tongue :D

And how about that - the new blip blog launched today and guess who featured in it?! :D

We made it out to tots this morning.

That was after I had to leave Ben to it eating his breakfast while I went to lie down. It's not morning sickness any more, I don't think. It's not hormone driven, anyway. It's because my tubes suffer anyway and now there's this thing growing and pushing everything out of the way, all my tubes have been pushed out of place and squashed and whatnot and they struggle to cope. The thing that makes me feel sick quickest is stress. And not even like real proper stress - it's anything that makes my stomach clench up, then the problems begin. So when Ben was shouting this morning, happy shouting but shouting nonetheless, I ended up having to leave him to it. I lay down on the bed, listening to him shouting and singing, hitting his bowl with his spoon, knowing that it was going to be messy when I got back down.

Eventually I got dressed and wandered back downstairs. Ben had actually eaten all his breakfast and was still sitting in his chair. Surrounded by milk. It was everywhere. Apart from in his bowl.

So yes we made it to tots, almost on time - possibly the earliest we've got there in a long time! Somehow being pregnant has made me get up earlier... I don't get that. Ben enjoyed himself anyhow, at one point sitting next to Amy who was sitting with Rosie drawing, telling her all about the car he was playing with. "Amy, Amy, Amy! Look Amy, wheels go round Amy!" He also decorated a cupcake. I think it managed to get one splodge of icing on it, and tthre chocolate sprinkles, before he got bored and wanted to eat it. And when we sat down for singing time, he wanted mummy cuddles so I tried to distract him by offering food. Ham sandwich, or grapes? Grapes!! Very excited. He would only go into the buggy to go home if he could hold the pot of grapes.

I can't believe how many grapes he ate today. (I'm still a bit stunned that he eats them at all. I had to convince him the other day to try a grape, he doesn't like the skin so licking it didn't pass the taste test but once I'd convinced him that biting it let the juice out he decided he liked them!) He's eaten grapes and cheese, cake and biscuits.

And flapjack.

I made flapjack this afternoon when Ben wouldn't go to sleep for a nap. I added dried apricots to try and put Ben off so I could eat them all myself, but somehow it's escaped his notice that the flapjacks are full of fruit. Grrr. I have to share them now.

I had to give up about 20 minutes before Steve got home to go and lie down, my tummy ache had come back with viciousness, I think it was a combination of Ben feeding me grapes (he doesn't quite make good slave status, he wasn't peeling them) and me sipping on Sprite. I think the bubbles in sprite are different to the ones in cola. They disagree with me quite badly, even with just a few sips. I thought I was going to be really badly sick (like I was last night, left me shaking badly) but lying down and trying to de-stress settled things down. Problem is I'd been only nibbling all afternoon on account of feeling nauseous, so by the time the nausea had settled down I was feeling really badly hungry-sick and so the vicious cycle of nausea begins :(

Things are not great but at least I've eaten, and Ben has gone to bed shattered so I got to eat in peace at least.

Time for bed in a bit. Midwife's coming round tomorrow afternoon so before we go out to toddler group in the morning I've got to try and make the house feel slightly less chaotic...

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