2011 photo resolution

By karenanya


No lunch time walk today - quick trips to the local garden centres instead. I finally got to buy some plants to fill the garden borders that we have spent the last two weeks clearing.

Spent a fortune but have several different lavenders, blue and pink scabious, hollyhocks, foxgloves and some pinks to plant tomorrow. The idea is to make a bee and butterfly friendly border. If the lavender attracts as many bees to our garden as it did in the garden centre, I'll be delighted!

The irises in our pond are just about to flower. I think they are Iris pseudoacorus as we tried to find native plants. No doubt they will feature in a future photo. I love the shapes and colours of the leaves and how the layers of leaves interact. The bubbles here are a contrast to the vertical lines in the leaves. I'm not sure if they were air or water bubbles.

Day off again tomorrow as son number two needs to be at a different school for a physics revision class in the afternoon and needs a taxi. I've got so much annual leave to take, it will be good to spend the morning planting and then the afternoon as a chauffeur.

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