days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

fish and chips in fife

"Last good weather day tomorrow - let's drive to Anstruther and have fish and chips"
"I've a better idea - let's take the train over the Forth Bridge to Aberdour and have fish and chips. It only takes 30 minutes."

Wednesday on the 27 bus:
Big kid screaming because his little sister got the window seat. "waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
Mummy - "Would you like to sit here with mummy? Why don't we sit over there? Let's sit in this seat with daddy, what about that one there? Here, have a sandwich. Have some melon..." and on and on it went until they got off a mile later. But did we mind? We were off to Fife for fish and chips :)

Edinburgh Waverley station:
"Due to a broken down train in Princes Street Gardens (in the gardens? Surely not?) there will be delays to some trains". Better make our way to platform 20. Wait. Wait 20 minutes, train arrives. Sit in the train for 20 minutes:
"All passengers please make their way to platform 18 and join the train there".
20 minutes later:
"..blah blah regrets this train cancelled.. yadda yadda.. find another one.. blah blah".
Platform 17:
As we arrive people are swapping from the front train to the rear and vice versa.
"Front train for Aberdour". ok, we believe you. 20 minutes later - train heads off, woooo hooo! 20 minutes later, train stops in Inverkeithing, 2 stops short of Aberdour:
"..blah blah regrets this train will terminate here blah blah".
20 minutes later, train arrives to take us to Aberdour and we get there at 13.45. Quick dash to the hotel:
"Are you still doing lunches?"
"Yes. Here is the menu sir, but just to let you know, there's no fish and chips today".

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