Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

I Hearty Tortilla

Still suffering after the effects of Saturday's Satanic Poker Winning the 1st hand w/Triple Sixes didn't stand me in any kind of good stead for the dull throbbing torture that was most of Sunday!

Bella's Shades didn't offer much protection either, against the Satanic Ravages that followed,

I was incapable of much of anything yesterday. So tonight I resolved to look after myself w/some good quality comfort food.

Slight dose of the ManFlu, which I could be doin' w/out, as I'm off to Argentina on Sunday for 3 weeksish to visit my brother and his wife.

Jo is bubbling in anticipation.

So, hopefully lots of Blip opportunities will follow soon.

As they say, watch this space,

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