A blip a day...

By gspics


Was on the way to vote today and took my camera (to get some pics of the polling station for a "Blip-rant") and saw this view, which I pass almost on a daily basis, but never really "look" at it.

Photoshopped it with the "Lomo" camera style and then I looked up Lomo camera on t'internet and found their golden rules to photography which are ace.

1-Take your camera everywhere you go.
2-Use it any time ? day and night.
3-Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it.
4-Try the shot from the hip
5-Approach the objects of your Lomographic desire as close as possible.
6-Don't think! Just Shoot (also the credo of Lomography).
7-Be fast
8-You don't have to know beforehand what you captured on film.
9-Or afterwards either.
10-Don't worry about any rules.

Sweet !

G x

Lomography on Wikipedia

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