Park Life

Today was my first day alone with the boys as Mr Mono was back to work today. After Mr Mono left for work the rain that was forecast hadn't started yet. I quickly got the double buggy and boys ready and walked to the polling station. I didn't want to get caught out in the rain as I don't have rain covers for the double buggy. They were quite expensive and the buggy already cost a fortune so I didn't get them.

The weather was dry and bright after I voted so we stopped at the park so Aidan could run around. We had the park to ourselves, probably because it was only five to nine in the morning!

Aidan told me when he'd had enough and we walked home. Aidan loves the double buggy and I have no problems getting him to go in it which is great. At home we listened to Jo Jingles, I blew bubbles and we played cars till lunch time. Aidan went down for his nap no trouble at all.

Logan on the other hand has been a bit more difficult. Three changes of clothes for him today and one for me. It's quite hard getting used to a newborn again!!

My first day with the boys went well though, much better than I expected. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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