will he come out....

18months 15 days

... YES HE WILL! Or maybe more to the point - no he won't.

We got a lovely surprise last night, Granny and Grandad text us to say that they were passing and would like to pop in. They ended up staying for tea and a play, much to Katie's delight. A very tired little lady flopped into bed after hardly any time from them leaving! Surprising then, that she was very wide awake at 3.30 for about an hour, in my bed. I eventually convinced her back to sleep and she stayed in her bed till 6, before coming and hving some milk, and flopping out totally zonko until 8am!

We rushed to get ready and out, Katie was excited when I got her gymnastics tshirt from the drawer, started doing the "Jack in a Box" song (as per the photo!) and running round saying "bobbob, bobbob, bobbob". I bundled her up and we went off (its a half hour drive to gymnastics). We pulled up to discover it was cancelled. The centre hadnt even told the staff. It then took us another 15minutes to find somewhere park! We did finally get in and found Ava in the soft play. When they saw each other, they had a great big cuddle and a kiss.

Rather than going home, when it came to the time of gymnastics, we stayed for a second session of soft play. There were a few of her little friends there so she still had a nice time. After soft play, we met a friend and went for a walk, and did some jobs, and went for a yummy milkshake at Nero. Katie stole Mummy's chocolate cheesecake. Good job I love her.

We rushed home after being told the plumber was coming,only to be told he wasnt as the part he'd ordered was wrong so it'll be midweek before he comes. We've come out for a walk and some time in the library, Katie's having lots of fun reading stories with a bigger girl, Katie's showing her all the animals in one of the books.

Despite all the stressful bits that are going on, we've been really very moved by all the kind offers of help, people going above and beyond to do things to make it a bit easier. Thankyou. xxxx

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