Is it Art?

There is a a picture framers on the High Street called Is it Art? This framed work was hanging in the window, 19 rows of 50 cups = 950! I remember my Mum making these at Christmas out of foil chocolate wrappers when I was a child and learning to do it!

I'm surprised by these comments to realise that not everybody knows what these are!! They are made of foil chocolate wrappers and here is how! You smooth out the wrapper into a flat square and then wrap it around the top of your index finger to make a tube, then you twist the part below your finger to make the stem and then you flatten out the base to make the bottom of the goblet!!!

Last night I had a long meeting with my PA and we went over everything! Having been away for a month there was a lot to discuss! I had a busy morning on the computer and went over all the new material that I've been creating with Bimbo Jones for the next album, we have 8 tracks on the go, so scheduling in time to finish them and choose the best ones for the next release!
I went to Pilates and walked back home in the sun where I passed this shop!
Zebedee is back at Stagecoach, he goes every Friday during term time and does an hour of drama, an hour of singing and an hour of dancing, when he hasn't been for a while he starts to make constant noise, singing everything we say back to us, drumming on the table and pulling silly faces... it's very trying, Stagecoach seems to calm him down and channel his energy thank goodness!!!!
Gulli and I are going to do Maths homework and make cakes now!

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