
By RockNerd

Stream of Unconsciousness

Apart from one notable exception, most of London's streams & rivers have disappeared from view, hidden in culverts & built over. Their existance is remembered in the names of streets & districts. The Fleet & Westbourne being two examples.
This rather dull picture is of Marylebone Lane. Its meandering path follows the route of the, now subterrainian, Tyburn Stream.
The Tyburn (or Tybourne) is the origin of the area's slightly odd name. The parish church was dedicated to St.Mary, & eventually the district became known as Mary-at-the-Bourne.
The stream also gave its name to the gallows that stood at what is now Marble Arch, at the juction of Tyburn Road (Oxford St.) & Tyburn Lane (Park Lane).
I find all this sort of stuff interesting. Don't hate me for it!

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