rosies world

By hebsauntroselee


that is the name of the rose, a dusky purple when it opens.

what a lot of trouble to get 6 rose drove 100mile round trip just for those to Aigbuth in liverpool. my dutch man wasnt able to get them for me and I had promised a bride she could have a duplicate bouquet on monday, should have ensured I could get them first.

The bride is not one of mine, she got married some weeks ago and on her wedding day tripped and twisted her knee,so unfortunaltely not any photos of her and bouquet - the venue and photographer are putting themselves at her disposal to retake the photos but her florist was able to reproduce unless she was paid a lot of money. as usual i feel the need to help and today the stress has been unbelievable trying to get these roses. just by chance i rang a florist in liverpool to see if just by chance she had any, she didnt but knew a florist who did. thankyou marcia and thank you rachel i am not going to let the girl down.

do think I go to far sometimes because I am only charging a little but never mind one day!!

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