little buggers

found these today trying to eat the roses in the back garden... little buggers, they'll scoff everything before the flowers have even opened... I'm going to be on a ladybird hunt over the weekend.

On a separate note I went to see Neville's Island this evening, which is the play that I did the set design for. it was brilliant the whole team did really well and the four actors including Lee were fab, I felt very proud as it all came together really well. Unfortunately having missed the dress rehearsal I haven't been able to take proper shots, here's a few rubbish ones that I sneaked tonight that don't do it justice but give a bit of a flavour it was also being judged as part of a competition and got a very well deserved favourable report...

Thanks everyone who's left me nice messages over the last couple of days, I'm feeling much more myself again now... Will catch up with you all properly over the weekend...

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