Great Tit

In an earlier blip on March 7th I took a photo of the inside of a birdhouse. I mentioned the observation of a blue tit. I let the birdhouse than so I won't disturb eventual habitants. And I have to admit that I forgot about the birdhouse, i.e. I saw no tits going in or out and had not the patience nor the time to sit and watch - ... "And there things go wrong son!" ... "Yes I know." :(

But whatever, the blue tit didn't breed in the birdhouse. It happened to be a couple of great tits. This early morning I spotted by chance great tits flying in and out. I was amazed. Didn't see that before. I succeeded in shooting two photos, one for the trash and another one, after cropping for my today's blip.

Juvenile, I think, but will change my mind on a determination with more expertise :)

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