It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Swimming (not singing) in the rain!

Woweeee I went swimming again for a bit this morning. The tide is in just at the right time for walking at the moment, so mum and daddy took me there first thing. It was POOOOOOOUURING with rain. Mum had her waterproofs on. She was wrapped right up like it was winter, she had her jeans on, trainers, a jumper, t-shirt and then on top she had her waterproof trousers and jacket. Daddy went out in just shorts, beach sandals and a t-shirt with his waterproof coat on top! He was laughing at mum because she was sweltering under all that - tee hee!

I had a LOVELY swim. We were the only ones on the beach (well who else goes in the rain!) I showed daddy how I roll around in the bushes at the back of the beach and he played hide and seek with me. It was GREAT fun. I didn't care that it was raining. I was wet through anyway. I did shiver a bit so then we had to walk back to the car. I wasn't ready to go yet though and decided I would try and just not walk again to see what they did. Do you know what. They IGNORED me again. I couldn't believe it, both of them. Hummmppphhhh. It is just not paying off to sit and be stubborn anymore. I tried it loads on the way back, I thought maybe daddy would be more attentive than mum, but no, when daddy did try and come back to me to coax me along Mum told him off! Like she tells me off sometimes. Mum really is strict ;-)

In the end I did realise that if I went and walked along with them and tried to join in their conversation I got lots of treats. I am thinking that it might be better to go with them instead of trying to go the other way or stay where I was. I'm not quite sure. Maybe a few more tries. I am sure one of them will give in eventually!

I have been to the field with Daddy this afternoon. Mum was making dinner. So I feel quite shattered now and will get myself snuggled down on the beanbags until my dinner. I wonder if I will get to swim again tomorrow. I hope so :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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