Show your working...

By beccy


Another windsock pic?
Yes but, this is a windsock in the shape of a Carp. And I made it.

It's a prototype "make" for the School Fayre. So the Fayre has infiltrated my blipping, as well as my nightmares! It's my first Fayre as PTA Chair and I'm feeling the pressure hugely. This will be the only big fundraiser this year, and I'm anxious for it to go really well. Although I would settle for not making a pig's ear of it.

Anyway, I copied the idea from pictures of the Japanese tradition of flying these for Children's Day on May 5th. I'm going to make some other animals too. I think it would be rude not to make a flying pig.

Windsock animals are things of joy and optimism. Which I could sorely use in the few days leading up to the Fayre.

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