Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Free Range Eggs

Back to our local farm shop today and went to see the chickens scratching around in the field behind the shop. Now this is what you call free range!

We bought some of the freshly laid eggs, couple of goose eggs plus local strawberries, asparagus, cabbage, leeks and tomatoes - and a (locally reared) joint of lamb for Sunday lunch. Managed to avoid the cakes, also locally produced! Also bought some geranium plants as the icy cold weather killed all mine last year.

The Little Red Hen:

Oh, the Little Red Hen
Was asking all her friends
"Who will help me plant my grain?"

"Not I," said the dog.
"Not I," said the cat.
"Not I," said the little mouse.

So the Little Red Hen
With no help from her friends
Planted it by herself.

Oh, the Little Red Hen
Was asking all her friends
"Who will cut and grind my wheat?"
"Not I," said the dog.
"Not I," said the cat.
"Not I," said the little mouse.

So the Little Red Hen
With no help from her friends
Cut and ground it by herself.

Oh, the Little Red Hen
Was asking all her friends
"Who will help me bake my bread?"

"Not I," said the dog.
"Not I," said the cat.
"Not I," said the little mouse.

So the Little Red Hen
With no help from her friends
Ate it by herself.

So the Little Red Hen
With no help from her friends
Simply ate it by herself.

Yum! Yum!

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