Moos views

By moosviews

An emergency blip due to a hectic day. It started off a weekend of no plans and then all of a sudden we were moving my son's very heavy bunk bed around, breaking the main light in his room in the process for which we will probably need an electrician (we really broke it that badly).

So after a busy morning doing that, we though we would get ready for the day and then found the itchy fiends had invaded my son's hair and it took several hours to get rid of them due to the amount of hair he now has (apparently cutting his hair wasn't an option).

This made lunch and tea very late and they didn't go to well either.

All in all I was looking forward to the evening, it could only get better, and it did. An evening spent watching The Secret History of Eurovision and knitting. I love these socks, I love the pattern and the colour-changing wool, lots to keep my interest and I hope it lasts for the second sock.

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