Leith Links

An overcast, grey day; D went across to Dunfermline to revel in the last game of the season and the presentation of the Division One trophy whilst I went up to the allotment and grubbed away for a couple of hours. I couldn't chance going to the fitba' as I had an early appointment with a telescope in Mallorca - but in the end that was rained off again.

This was all I found in the camera (apart from some poor shots of bumblebees in the comfrey - although at least I got an out-of-focus bee in the frame this time). It shows Leith Links at the start of the summer; a couple of lads ambling across a football pitch in the foreground prior to starting a game, but beyond them not one but two cricket matches starting up. Cricket in Leith has a surprisingly long history. First time I've seen the cricketers out this year.

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