All Those Pretty Things..

By erinsharp

Violets are Blue...

Okay I know these aren't violets but they are violetty blue :)

I found these on a walk round the block with my "lovely" brother, I was sent out to make him shut up... haha. Didn't work because I ended up with a headache!

Today was an exciting day because we picked up TIGGY! :) Our new car by the way! :) All very exciting! Especially the self parking! God what DO I sound like? haha!

Ed came round later on, MUCH later on, he was late! As per usual. But he "helped" me babysit so I shouldn't really complain! :) We played on the PS3 and also watched Iron Man and Pan's Labyrinth... Slight difference in films but they were both pretty good, Although Pan's Labyrinth was a little scary! haha!

I'm just rambling now! I'll be quiet now!


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