
Just messing round with composition and trying to get to grips with new camera (eeeeeeee!!!!!!).

Slow start to the day, took the long way up to the uni through the woods. Good fun to take some photos - decided to try and concentrate on composition today. More here. Had a lovely lunch in the arts centre (good priced sandwiches).

Then work in the library for a few hours, well, until it closed actually! Tried for ages to work out what co-ordinates I'd used in my notes... *idiot* - turned out to be eastings and northings on the New Zealand transverse mercator (NZTM) projection... who'd have thought it... :s

Bit longer working in the 24hr computer room then back down the hill for a lovely evening meal with Jeff in the 'Olive Branch'. Really good selection of vegetarian meals :)

Time for bed now... zzzz

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