Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly


We did get a day off a week. This day we went to St Luce (all 17 volunteers and our co-ordinator) packed (i'd say like sardines, but it wasn't half as neat) into the back of a, small, 4WD. Our guides knew better, they stood on the tail and held on. The road was bumpy, feet and legs, and arms, went dead, we all got to know each other better than we perhaps wanted.

But it was worth it. St. Luce is beautiful. Unfortunately Rio Tinto will be starting mining in the area within 12 months. Many of the local villagers will have to move, others will simply no longer be able to fish. As they are not sklled, it is highly unlikely any of them will get jobs at the mine.

While I've many beautiful photos from our day at the beach, this is my favourite.

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