Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


If you were to come visit me, you might notice 3 things before you came through our front door:

An enormous rosemary bush: Rosemary is lovely, she is part of our family. She adds flavour to our cooking and - sadly - has helped us to say our last farewells to friends who have died. Rosemary is, of course, for remembrance so we always chuck a few sprigs of rosemary into the graves of friends or, if it's a cremation, carry a sprig of rosemary in our pockets or pinned to our lapels. And - apparently - a rosemary bush outside a house signifies the presence of a strong woman indoors.

The sunburst plaque: I've been dragging him around for years, ever since I left my first husband and bought my first house in Bradford back in 1984. He's fab - just sits there looking wise and peaceful.

The stone gargoyle-kind-of-thing: he came with our current house. Him and sunburst just kind of hang out together.

There's also a rotting window frame which we'll get sorted when / if our finances improve and you may also see some cats lolling about.

Be assured of one thing: you will be guaranteed a warm welcome.

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