Club 107

By club107

Pink hydrangea white lilac purple lilac

It always strikes me that I am such a creature of habit that the plants that I see both in the street, around the garden and in town dictate the year in motion. The way the carpet of hydrangea has now obscured a rather ugly fence is a nice reminder of how nature will always inhabit the place around it. A stop motion film would be an idea maybe that would be a plan for the long winter nights when I have relatively little to do. I was actually thinking to myself today, between one forest fire and another, how this period of the year really is such a pleasure to be able to take photos. Come mid Novemebre when one is down to roughly 3 hours of daylight per day, I shall long for these days to come back.

A bright and early start and the trip across town, like last week, was simply stunning. Oh and then the heavens opened, both metaphorically and literally.


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