Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Teaching kid's stuff - the worlds coolest job

I spent ages learning and training with special needs children before spending a year in a Primary school teaching.

This is some of the stuff I used. I hardly ever used the abacus but the marbles for learning number bonds, the flash cards for the tables were fantastic. My oldest learnt his 9X table in one week, whilst on holiday, doing no more than 10 mins a day. He could recount all permutations - to 12 - at random, in under 8 seconds.

I have extolled the virtue of this system to dozens of parents but I don't think any of them have ever done anything at all about it.

I took a break whilst moving house and settling in. I got out of the habit and drifted back towards dealing with buildings (they don't answer back).

I still think teaching is the best job in the world - just very demanding!

I kept a load of stuff - but I need the space.

So...blip it then Ebay it.

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