Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

I've been down at my parents clearing out stuff I've had cluttering their loft and garage for years ... found an interesting box containing some of my beer bottle collection from my student days in Nottingham. This is the pick of the bunch ... an 8th Century Ale from Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, brewed to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the oldest pub in England. Supposedly was the place where knights had a few beers before heading off on crusade, hence the name. Sadly, the bottle is empty and I've no recollection of what it tasted like.

1989 was a good year for Nottingham Forest and I was lucky enough to see the legendary Brain Clough lead them to victory at Wembley twice - in the League Cup and Full Members Cup finals - that year :-)

Forest are back in the playoffs for the English Premier League this year - hope they can make it back to the top flight - Come on You Reds!

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