
By cyclops


I love Edinburgh. I was in the pub tonight (apologies for the impact that has had both on the picture and my typing) and rolled out at 23:15 to get the last fast bus home. In the two minutes I waited (who needs trams - the busses are generally brilliant!) I snapped this. Old college, the national gallery, the 29 to Silverknowes (my bus) and a pimped up BMW. The entrance to the pub I was in? Well its in the frame but below street level. You'd never know it was there....


8:00 Got up
8:30 Said goodbye to my wife, who is away for the weekend
8:55 In queue for the Forth Road Bridge. There's never usually a queue but a lorry broke down....
9:20 Arrive in office. Try a Blip I've had in mind for a while but the sun isn't in the right place.
9:25 Caffine Pt. 1
12:30 Morale low. Chicken mayo on seedy brown roll for lunch. Caffine Pt 2.
15:15 Shut off laptop in plenty of time to make meeting
15:25 Leave office after various last minute debates.
15:35 Arrive at meeting venue 5 minutes late.
15:45 Call from person I'm meeting "running late, there in 10 minutes"
15:55 Call from person I'm meeting Pt 2. "I'm in xxxx but I can't see you". Right chain. Wrong town.
16:15 Person I'm meeting arrives. Really productive meeting about a product development program I'd like to start
17:15 No time for shopping on the way home. Bummer.
17:35 Home only 5 minutes late for conference call. Chairman is later so no-one has noticed.
18:39 Conference call finishes
18:46 I leave on bus to town. The bus stop is 10 minutes walk from my house, you do the arithmetic
19:10 Arrive in pub 10 minutes late for committee meeting
19:25 Rest of committee arrives. Jog to bus stop was unnecessary - may have lost up to 5 years off life expectancy for no good reason.
19:45 Committee adopt one of my ideas. I am minuted as originator so I can be blamed later....
23:15 Leave pub. Maverick is a most acceptable pint as it turns out.
23:17 Sugar - no blip yet, camera, quick!
23:18 Bus is coming, must press shutter NOW!
23:19 On bus home. It's 3 minutes early...
23:55 Back at my house. Cat grumpy. Blip time.
00:07 Why the hell have I been typing this spraff for 12 minutes???!!!???!!!

Blip is addictive. Thanks to all who contribute to making it so.

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