Strange journey

By hrund

The big 500 !

Remembered last night that today would be my 500th blip. I could not sleep figuring out what amazing thing to make for this occasion. I had an idea which was so complicated I gave up with the time I had today to make it....even reloaded my big cameras batteries. Gonna save the idea for later use ;)

Time just went so fast today that I did not really do any photography at all. Until my boy came home from nursery and thin cat from its adventure and both tried to have a nap on my tummy. This is when I reach out for my camera. There were two very cute ones and I could not choose.... so here you go my 500th blip is actually 2 photos :)

Thanks for all the lovely comments in the past. Blip has changed my life. I write in English again and have met lovely people through this community and it keep me on my toes to do something different ever day.


Ps. Saw the sad news on Facebook today about our good Blip friend dying. My hearts goes out to Molly´s family and friends. She will be missed :(

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