With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Out of the blue funk

After the frustration I felt over Easter, where time seems to have raced by, the past five days have been long and luxurious in some ways. So much has happened, from my stupid shoulder (which is now just about completely better thankyou everyone!) to the FI RO! and AKHF and mv's visit, the inevitable football and homework shenanigans and today the beach at Deiá.

The least said about the homework the better, let's just say my temper got very frayed and ragged. We got out though and had a lovely lunch and a first sea swim of the year. I struggled with the sardines, I always think they're going to do me good, they taste fantastic, but someone please take the bones out for me! Agu found his friend, as his parents own the lovely chiringuito right on the beach and Ben came out of his blue funk to enjoy this fabulous place with his aunty and uncle and brother (and mum thank God) for a sea adventure to the distant rocks aboard the rocket.

Later. as instructed we went to the football ground for the supposed presentation of the Firo cup. It turned out to be just a normal training session and no sign of any cup, apparently (maybe) the council won't come up with the money due to the C word. Never mind, an hour of the unmentionable H word for ben and we shifted for a nifty one at F's and mv took a wicked shot of the pool.

Home, bed, work and school tomorrow and the last day of having my lovely sister and brother in law with us. Who will read Claude in the City to the boys now?

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