Jawbone Walk

There are a hundred and one disadvantages of being knee high to a grasshopper, but one of the biggest one is for ever having to take up the hems and sleeves of new garments.
Today with his Lordship out of sight in the hills, I made the effort to take up the hem on my new jeans and those of two new cycling t-shirts.

It's a horrible job with several pitfalls which includes finishing with one leg shorter than the other, or both too short. With careful preparation and much pressing, I think the legs have ended up the same size. If there is a discrepancy, it might be that one of my legs is longer than the other one, it can happen.

His Lordship has been known to adjust my height by several inches in Photoshop for the purpose of fitting better on to a page of his pictorial diary, and I must say I like the effect. Long legs suit me and I lose a stone or two into the bargain. If only real life were that simple.

In fact real life does the opposite and ensures that you get shorter and shorter and if you've inherited the wrong genes, wider and wider. I fear that my family will be hunting about in the tall grass for me before long.

Today's blip is the arch of the whale's jawbone at the south end of Jawbone Walk in the Meadows. It has stood there all my life and you stop noticing it after a while, especially as there is always a throng of people passing underneath. Not this morning though, I beat them to it and found it empty and side lit in the early sun.

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